I Am The Blog

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Buy To Let Mortgages: The Next Step

According to The Council of Mortgage Advisers, buy to let mortgages have seen a surge in popularity recently, with £3billion worth of buy to let loans approved in the first quarter of this year alone. Compared with £2.1billion in 2010, this is a rapid and sharp rise, showing that confidence in this aspect of the housing market is once again starting to grow. Falling house prices in other areas of the market have seen many people consider buying properties to let as a new career, with viable investment opportunities presenting themselves more strongly than ever. But what happens when the paperwork is signed and the keys are exchanged? I Am The Agent is a self service letting agency with vast experience of helping landlords to manage their properties and find tenants  once the buy to let mortgage is in place.


I Am The Agent's property management service is essential for a landlord looking for some assistance in maintaining their properties and keeping in touch with tenants. Having a cheap lettings agency to rely on can be the difference between profit and a bad investment. For £60 a month, the fixed fee letting agent can help landlords with multiple properties to secure a decent return on their investment. While helping to find tenants looking to rent a private property, I Am The Agent screens all applicants, giving the landlord complete piece of mind.


The I Am The Agent property management service includes rent collection from all tenants on a specified day and the management of rent arrears, which can be a tricky and difficult process. Chasing up tenants for rent is not one of the perks of being a landlord and can take a long time, but the online estate agents are experienced in the matter and will take on the responsibility with aplomb. Also included in the fixed fee letting agents' service is the arrangement of maintenance or repairs and out of hours support. The property management team at I Am The Agent have a every conceivable property professional on their books, including window cleaners, plumbers, joiners, electricians and security services. All of the contacts available through I Am The Agent are tried and tested, with reliable results every time.


Allowing a trusted lettings agency to take the reins on such time-consuming tasks can allow landlords to be as hands-on as they choose; they are continually updated with the situation regarding their tenants and properties, safe in the knowledge that any problems will be dealt with accordingly.


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