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Five things first time buyers can relate to

Buying your first house is as exciting as it is scary. An endless supply of forms, contracts and phone calls can make the whole process extremely stressful, but once all the legalities are over and you get the keys to your very first home, you’ll soon forget the stresses and start focussing on your new pad.

When you’re a homeowner, your perceptions and priorities are completely overhauled. No longer is life about grabbing those must-have pair of shoes, the newest games console or going out with friends four times a week. Now your life is all about your house – whether you realise it or not.

With that in mind, we’ve jotted down five things only first time buyers can relate to once they put down roots in their very first house:

Sundays are now spent at the DIY store/interior store

Remember lazy Sunday mornings? They are likely to become a thing of the past in the first few months after getting your first home. Instead of eating breakfast in bed at 10:30 and watching morning TV, you’ll be up bright and early, heading to the closest DIY store or interior shop on the hunt for the bits and bobs that will really make your house feel like a home.

Colour charts and tester pots will become your nemesis

Think decorating is fun? It might be for the first week, but after that it does become a drainer. And one of the hardest decisions you have to make when it comes to decorating is what colour to pop on the walls. We guarantee that by the end of it you’ll have more colour charts than B&Q and have painted stripes on the walls in more colours than the rainbow, and as a result, be left with enough tester pots to build a new house with.

You’ll bypass clothing and head straight for the homeware

Never thought it was possible to prioritise anything over a new dress? Well when you have a house new clothes go out the window. You’ll often find yourself marching past the clothing section at your favourite store in favour of hunting out the special piece that will really make your living room stand out, or that luxurious bedspread you’ve had your eye on for weeks.

Pinterest will become your best friend

Even the most creative of people get their inspiration from somewhere. And Pinterest is one of the best places to get home inspiration. Once you’ve done the big stuff, Pinterest is great for getting inspiration on soft furnishing, colours that complement one another and getting some handy tips for making the most of your home – even when you’re on a budget – with DIY homewares.

If nothing on Pinterest tickles your interior taste-buds, and you’re a fan of greenery, why not check out Shrubbies’ top tips for transforming a small space with plants or find out which plants are best in small spaces, according to the expert?

You’ll enjoy staying in

Once you’ve got your house truly how you want it, and the paintbrushes, paint trays and tools are completely out of sight, you’ll actively enjoy sitting in it at the weekend and enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Have you changed since you got your first home? Let us know!

Are you looking for your first home, or are you just wanting to make a move? We are the country’s biggest online estate agent and have many years’ experience when it comes to finding the perfect homes for buyers. Browse our stunning range of homes available right around the UK and beyond.

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