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The latest property news from your online estate agent.

Is now the perfect time to sell up and move on?



Covid has impacted all of us over the past year or so; however, not every single impact has been negative. As an online estate agent, one part of our lives that we have noticed could positively impact a post-covid world is the property market. 

It might not seem like the ideal time to sell up and move on, but let us tell you that we believe that now might just be the excuse that you were looking for to sell your property online. 

Want to know more about why we think now is the perfect time to sell up and move on? 

Prices are on the rise

One of the main reasons now is the ideal time to sell your home and buy a new one is that the prices are rising. The National Association of Estate Agents has stated that the number of properties being sold in the UK during March 2021 was the highest (for March) since 2007. 

Along with this, 16% of properties are actually getting more than their asking price, which will always be great news if you want to try and get the best price for your property. 

Mortgages are changing

Another reason that the property market is on the rise is thanks to the changes that central banks have introduced with mortgages. These are primarily aimed at first-time buyers and those who may have found it hard to secure standard mortgages in the past. One of the most significant changes in the 5 per cent deposit mortgages will help more and more people get on the property ladder and buy their first home (or buy a new home for themselves and their family). 

The stamp duty holiday

Stamp duty can be incredibly expensive, especially when you think about all the other things you have to keep in mind when buying a property. This tax usually has to be paid on properties that are over £125,000; however, due to the financial issues that many people faced during and after Covid (as well as the block in the property market), this was changed. 

The limit was raised to £500,000, and this was set to end during March 2021. However, seeing how much of a boost this has given to sales, it has been decided that this will be kept in place until the 30th of June 2021. 

This means that you don’t have long to get yourself a brand new home or sell your property for the best price possible.

Thinking about selling up and finding your new home? Then you are going to want to find an online estate agency that you can trust. Why not get in touch with us here at I Am The Agent? Learn more about what we can do for you and help you sell and then buy your next dream home. 

List your property today!

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